We love working with Jack Manafort and the company he works for, Joe the Plumber. When we are planning a project we review the plans with Jack to assure we’ve thought everything through carefully. We listen when he suggests a product or strategy because he knows the ropes (or should we say pipes!).

When it comes time to execute the plan, we also know that Jack’s man in the field Wayne will show up ready for action and stick with it until the work is done, and done carefully. That attention doesn’t stop there. Should there be a problem down the road, or a need for service, the company is staffed to handle it promptly. That kind of reliability is just what we are looking for with the people who show up build our projects.

We’ve had an ongoing relationship with the company, including their participation in a Trade School Open Wall Open House event we did with a school bus full of future plumbers, electricians, HVAC, carpentry, and building designers eager to learn about how we build high performance homes.

The company owner Joey Perras is a real advocate. He founded the Greater Hartford Trades Scholarhip Program. Let’s quote him: I truly believe that educating our youth in the trades is a key element for our local economic success. Let’s get people trained for skilled jobs that are in demand! Please help me spread the word by supporting the Greater Hartford Trades Scholarship Foundation.”

In that spirit, it was great to see Jack’s son tagging along with his dad as he made his project rounds. Here’s to all future trades people and the pride they take in their work and the rewarding careers they are able to have.

The kitchen may be the heart of the home, but plumbing is as central a part of a homes hidden anatomy. Plumbing is the unsung hero of every home, providing us with clean water, ensuring proper sanitation, and supporting appliances that make our lives comfortable and convenient. The next time you turn on the tap or take a refreshing shower, remember the vital role that plumbing and plumbers play in making it all possible.